My book, With My Little Eye, has become an Australian bestseller since its launch in February 2021.’Dudley and Joan Doherty worked for ASIO during the Cold War and they raised their children to help with espionage work. The three children—Mark, Sue-Ellen, and Amanda—were taught to memorise number plates and faces, to follow people, and not to trust anyone.

It was a strange way to grow up. The children had to notice everything, ask no questions, and forget every odd thing they reported to their parents. They got very good at forgetting. When they sat down together as adults to talk about their childhood, they were shocked at how many explosive details they could remember.

With My Little Eye is published by Allen & Unwin. I hope you find it as fascinating to read as I did to write it.

Sandra Hogan

2 replies
  1. Patricia Kirkman
    Patricia Kirkman says:

    I have not long finished reading ‘With my little eye’ a very intriguing story set in Brisbane and Sydney, with
    the children playing the title role. With her father’s death Sue Ellen in particular did not believe he was dead.
    The book is mostly her account of of her childhood and the break down of the family now feeling rudderless
    without the ‘work’ with the ASIO. I was much taken with the photographs with fashions of cold war era and
    and the Petrovs being taken on holiday to the Gold Coast to protect from Russian spys
    It was one photo I noticed and puzzled me. The picture of Joan on the front cover it does not seem to bare much resemblance to the photos in the book. Her height; and dress. Was this her ASIO ‘disguise’ or have I just
    missed something in the book.
    I would love to have your views.
    Pat Kirkman
    36 Kennedy St
    Towjnsville Qld

  2. Patricia Kirkman
    Patricia Kirkman says:

    I have not long finished reading ‘With my little eye’ a very intriguing story set in Brisbane and Sydney, with
    the children playing the title role. With her father’s death Sue Ellen in particular did not believe he was dead.
    The book is mostly her account of of her childhood and the break down of the family now feeling rudderless
    without the ‘work’ with the ASIO. I was much taken with the photographs with fashions of cold war era and
    and the Petrovs being taken on holiday to the Gold Coast to protect from Russian spys
    It was one photo I noticed and puzzled me. The picture of Joan on the front cover it does not seem to bare much resemblance to the photos in the book. Her height; and dress. Was this her ASIO ‘disguise’ or have I just
    missed something in the book.
    I would love to have your views.
    Pat Kirkman
    36 Kennedy St
    Towjnsville Qld


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