Good writing is an act of
care for the reader. -
know that you've been understoodBad writing costs
Australian businesses and
government departments
millions of dollars
each year.Imagine if you knew how to -
Writing is the great
invisible industry we
all labour at each day,
without noticing. -
Good writing lets you get
on with your real job.
Writing badly is easy. Just string together a bunch of buzz words or legal terms. Toss off a patronising reply to a tedious complaint from a customer. Or you could write down all the facts in your notebook, without any analysis or helpful recommendations.
Good writing means you make the effort to understand your reader and carefully craft words to make sense for them. Good writing is a deliberate act of care for the reader. It is harder than bad writing — but why bother to write at all if you don’t communicate with your reader?
Every piece of writing, however routine, should illuminate. Writing takes muddle and confusion and brings clarity and enlightenment.
Not all of us can be great writers but we can all improve — and it can get easier. Italo Calvino wrote ‘I write as well as I can on each occasion.’ This simple and beautiful goal is something we can all aspire to.
WriteBusiness is a small, highly experienced consultancy. We train, coach and mentor people in all kinds of workplaces to write as well as they can. We keep doing it because we see results. Why not contact us to see how improved writing can improve the reputation of your organisation?
Sandra Hogan | Director WriteBusiness